Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scrabble Nerd

I'll never be a pro, but I've been playing since at least 3rd grade. That's my first memory of trying to play with a fellow classmate. I don't think anyone willingly did that during recess ever again...

I always imagined I would take a picture of my rings with scrabble tiles. Tell my future husband we were pregnant with those gold letters. When I was eleven, I put the anniversary set on my Toys'r'us wish list and my godparents were the only ones that realized I was serious. A few relatives thought my dad snuck it on there. I still have that set. And thanks to my amazing husband, I have a couple "fun" scrabble games too.

Too bad it's been done to death by now...

Friday, February 10, 2012

I need some dogs...

I take too many pictures of my cat... but I just can't resist his cuteness! He fell asleep on the back of the couch last night but wouldn't stay asleep once I pulled out the camera. Of course!

His nails aren't painted, they are soft caps. My little black and gold kitty!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I finally used my Dyson in the living room because all the boxes that were in it are unpacked. (Ok, all but two!) Now my carpet doesn't look like I own 10 cats instead of  2. When I come home at night I feel peaceful instead of stressed from all the clutter.

Way too much noise at 3200 though... Boo!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Left overs... of the cake mix variety

I did not like the cake mix I used last time to make my friends birthday cake shots so I used it up today to make cookies. In my excitement I forgot to lessen the amounts of the other ingredients... so they are SUPER gooey. Oh well, I like em! More for me. :D

Holy Crapola... We have "new" games to play!

FINALLY built the new shelving unit... and still need ore shelves. It's almost organized enough for my big bookcase to come over so some video games and dvd's will just have to live there until we figure out what to do. Next Monday my office is up for organization. I can totally wait.

Why yes, my husband did get his hair CHOPPED, I mean, cut.

Other resolutions...

So I have been doing this every day, but we worked really hard on cleaning up and organizing our place this weekend. I also finally started going to the gym last week. I'm not doing anything with the trainers yet but I REALLY like all the girls I have met so far, they are very encouraging interns! I really need new sneakers though... Probably could have stopped cleaning for an hour to take care of that.

Livin' it up on a Friday night!

I spent my Friday writing a review of The Woman in Black for my husband's blog. It's posted here at The Almost Film Critic. I practically twisted his arm for months to do this but tailbone is just finally good enough for us to go to movies. This is him reading my review obviously.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2nd

I missed pearls... Whoops! New goal: find a way to get better lighting in my bedroom when the sun isn't shining! The lamp I use in my office is STUCK in the surge protector!!!

I am not pearls

I bought this turquoise to make my mother a bracelet for my wedding. I planned to do way too much so that never happened. I still want to do something in time for mother's day but I don't want to just string em together and tie it up!

January 31st

I took a picture of my phone. I was told I couldn't do this but what I saw on my phone made me too giddy.

Also, my phone is apparently a Jasmine Star fan... J* gets her own key!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ready for My Closeup

All I wanted to do today was take more pictures of my pearls. I love them almost as much as I love my cats. :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I am also participating in a few 52 projects which is great for when I can't get inspired! This week the My Four Hens theme is "simplicity" so I immediately thought of pearls! I am in LOVE with pearls. I wore a pearl necklace made and pearl earrings my husband bought me for our wedding. So naturally I had to photograph the first pearls he got me!

Birthday Cake

I love my friends. I love their birthdays even more. But my favorite thing, is making them shots.

Here's the recipe I use:

one ounce cake vodka
half ounce Bailey's Irish cream
(or chocolate liquor if you want chocolate cake)
half ounce half and half (I don't like it with fat free, use regular!)
and one teaspoon cake mix
Shake over ice and strain (makes about 2 shots)
top with whipped cream and sprinkles!


I am so lucky to have such amazing friends. This 366 is already starting to drive me crazy. I almost quit Friday. Instead I ending up "trapping" my cat since she never gets pictures anymore. George always gets in the way! I think she is mad at me because she just gave me a huge scratch. Thanks for being against declawing self!!! Ugh.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Be Yourself

Even my chocolate knows it's a good idea. The only thing I love more than how good Dove chocolates taste... Is how good they make me feel. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's what's for dinner!

I love trying new recipes with my husband, but this smelled and looked better than it tasted. It didn't have enough flavor, but it was still yummy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Everyday Items

I am also trying to do a 52 project where there is a specific theme every week. I joined two but only one of them is emailed to me so that is the one I have really kept up with. This week the theme is something you use every day. It's so sad what came to my mind once I got my mind out of the kitchen.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kind of Commissioned

I did this for my husband. He started a film blog after I badgered him half to death about it like a lazy honey badger. So this is wanted he wanted for his picture. It was fun to throw together.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lazy Sundays

So excited that the Giants are going to the Superbowl! So I was lazy so I could listen to post game.

I have an addiction

I was talking to my gal pals about how I own too many coach bags and I should probably sell almost half my collection. Seriously. BUT, I didn't tell them about my coach coasters... that I have never used. They are GORGEOUS!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Working Hard

I was "designing" and watching the help last night. We got it from Netflix a little while ago but we are pretty busy people. It's our last full weekend together until late April. I've been pretty miserable all day and I haven't taken a picture yet.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I need to do this again with a tripod and then it will really be amazing.